torsdag 10 juli 2008

This makes me smile on a rainy Thursday.

I found this in one of my favourite blogs niotillfem and she found it through a tip-off by someone else who had already found through someone else and that is how the story continues and I hope it continues for a long time to come as this is the only thing making me smile on a rainy Thursday.
- E

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

How cool is that... =) Did you send one?

Hey if you ever need to vent out just type in your worries or whatever, i'm just an email away =)))

Anonym sa...

My polaoird cam is in Finland but once I get home I'll send a picture for sure!
It's so lovely isn't it?

Yep I went to capoeira practise to kick some air.
No venting needed jus a little holiday :)