Five euros is le grand total that I spent on these little babies.
The bag was a tad expensive at 3.
I guess you just sometimes have to take it.
It might be the price for the endless stories that come with things bought second hand.
The bag was formerly bought at a fleamarket by the old owner.
She said she liked it a lot and wanted 5.
I said 4.
She said ok and that it is a bit old.
Oh my so I said 3.
The hat had been worn by the elderly lady at her schools 'Hat Day' sometime.
She said she performed in it and as she stated that her cheeks blushed a bit.
She said 2 and I said 1.
The scarf was wrapped in plastic and looked oh so fabulous.
The older lady said she thought it was beautiful.
I agreed.
But then I found that it said 'Viking Line' on it.
The lady then assured me that no one will ever know if I wear it right.
She was good sales lady that one.
So I said 1.
A good Sunday filled with stories and now some swimming.
- E
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