torsdag 31 juli 2008


Seriously... I'm such a hypocrite sometimes. Anyway the reason I'm saying that is... I don't like to go Gaga/hyped-up over things that everyone is going after - i refuse to be one of those people. Though sometimes I can't help it. You know how Y! has been having some difficulty uhm... getting their crap together. For some time now, I've been so paranoid of losing my Yahoo account, now I've started utilizing Google for email and such. Gee whiz... only recently did I find out I really don't need fancy Microsoft Word/Powerpoint/etc... because those applications are available to you already once you get an account in Google - Isn't that Wicked!

And not to mention all the things you can do... like you can customize your page using your favorite artist (i.e. chihuly, gustavo rosa, antonio gamito, tim yip, akira isogawa, etc...) artwork. It's insane!

Anyhow... nuf of that. Let's move on to "real" things =).


Different topic...

I met this girl, she's also an IR major and we've become muni-buddies. We used to ride on the Muni (SF City train) together, but now she's got her license back so she's driving again. Anyway, to make the story short...

First impression, she's one of those girls who talks like "OhMyGhad" "Like" etc... - like a Valley Girl, but once you get to know she's actually pretty cool, down to earth and smart; but you can just tell that she hasn't been exposed to the "world" yet. I've gotten to know her a little bit, over time I started seeing/recognizing myself when I was 20/21 yrs old in her - naive, immature, overly sheltered, the whole thing. I laugh out loud inside whenever I'm around her. I was totally like her when I was at that age - she's 21yrs old. Gee whiz... howcome nobody slapped me when I was at that age - I was embarrassing myself but I made people laugh more in a very silly way.

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