onsdag 29 april 2009

What I just read.

"How much do you love me", Midori asked.
"Enough to melt all the tigers in the world to butter", I said.


"What do you mean (I am) really cute?"
"So cute mountains crumble and oceans dry up."



I mean this book is really special.
And remember how we went to see him in HI?
When he said that the thing he most enjoys
is having a beer in the evenings?

I remember.

- E

måndag 27 april 2009

Lazy Sunday

Gorgeous day for relaxing!

It was Sunny...

Flowers are blooming.

This dog came out of nowhere.  
His name is Wesley (later we met a little boy named Wesley, what are the odds, right. It was the damndest thing.) 

After playing with this dog...
Oh... Elena, it made me want a dog so much...  This dog was discplined and sooo adorable!!!  
I've never come across such a dog.  
What a joy!

And I remember that one time in HI, when a dog was barking at us and I got scared.  You suggested I offer my hand palm up, so that I don't get bitten and the dog won't get frightened. 
Exactly what I did when Wesley came to me =)

Of course, perfect for picture-taking =).
One of my girls - Madonna (aka Dawn).

Great day with friends =)

Allura's top 5 "of stuffs and things."

5 Accessories
1/ pearl earrings (stole this from my Mama's jewelry box)
2/ chained necklace (given by Tita E)
3/ Amber ring (from mi Mikey-Ike)
4/ coconut ring
5/ Timbuktu bag (bought this with my own $, way back when)

5 Clothing
1/ fave at the moment: boyfriend jeans 
2/ little dark blue, above the knee dress
3/ patterned, puffy sleeves, slightly see through, above the knee dress
4/ tee's (everyday wear)
5/ scarves

5 things for my feet
1/ gray-pink puma shoes (i've had this for ages)
2/ moccasins
3/ dark brown boots
4/ black peep toe heels
5/ running snickers

5 Misc.
1/ Smith's lip balm
2/ special papiers
3/ No. 5 Channel parfum
4/ Powershot Cannon camera (gift from Mikey-Ike)
5/ my signature glasses

onsdag 22 april 2009

My top fives of stuffs and tings.

5 accessories:
vintage leather traveling bag (thanks dad)
Mulberry calender
hats of all kinds (they are my thing)
grandma's ring (she blessed it for me)
a watch that my family gave me when I turned 18 (beautiful)

5 clothing items:
red polka dot vintage dress
other grandma's stitched wool vest
new leopard jacket
my vintage loose collars
beige polka dot dress also vintage

5 shoes:
black 'jazz' shoes (broke e'm)
white cheap'o sneakers
leopard ballet shoes
red ballet flats with bows

5 beauty products:
Origins cream and cleanser
Chloe perfume
Body Shop body butter
M.A.C lipstick in 'Russian Red'

And now I challenge
you mi dear A.

What are your top fives
of stuff and tings?

- E

tisdag 21 april 2009

In the life of a desperate housewife: Sorrento.

All I heard was 'should we go out to dinner'
and I was already in the bathroom
making myself pretty.

We jump in the car and head towards the beautiful
night time city skyline.
We find a restaurant and take our seats on the balcony.
(Or actually that is where we got seated as the lady told me I was too pretty to sit anywhere else. Ha!)

And then I notice this:

Anyway this is what we had at Sorrento in Northbridge.

Us: 'Garlic Bread'
kind of like French toast with not much garlic but a LOT of oil

'400g Veal rib eye cooked to your liking served with creamy mash potato, green beans, roasted tomato & red wine jus'
he ordered medium but got well-done but the creamy mash as well as the wonderful red wine sauce still kept him happy

Myself: a daily special of Scallop Risotto with basil and tomatoes
a very nice risotto in general which is in fact rather hard to find these days with a lot of scallops and fresh tomatoes, however again they could go a little easier on the oil

Then we shared a bottle of Asahi beer which was served in small icy beer glasses. YUM!
Altogether a very nice little evening and I was very delighted to find a bubbly and exciting area for going out for drinks or dinner as I still had not found one here in Perth before.

- E

Earth Day

I got this from Anthropologie website.  
We've been wondering why this is...  I've read about this and nobody seems to know why this is happening.

What's you educated guess, Miss Elena.  What's your take...  
Any idea why?

i know we are not a fashion blog but here is my new baby.

It is so funny this life sometimes.
Just as I got laid off my job and
am in low times when it comes to money,
I find my dream jacket.
Just like that!
Lucky for me it is vintage.
When I asked the lady how much
it would harm my wallet she smiled
and peacefully told me the whole sum of

With the jacket in hand I waltzed out of the shop.

- E


I pretty much eat this everyday.
Every. Single. Day.

This is what I do:

put lettuce as a base in a deep plate
cut olives, cherry tomatoes and sugar snap peas into small bits
chuck in chickpeas, almonds and linseeds
grate with a dollop of olive oil, natural yogurt and spicy capsicum sauce
and finally
shave some parmesan cheese on top

Then I make a fresh glass of juice to go with it.

- E

lördag 18 april 2009


Lazy CA : Flickr.Jesse at www.flickr.com

It was my last day of work on Friday. And I was happy for that. I did not feel like being a laboratory technician was all that me. For the good effort I gave myself a new haircut and some fresh flowers before picking up a bottle of wine and joining my friends around the barbecue fire.
Now it is Sunday and I wish I had a bicycle to take me down to the deli to pick up the Sunday Times.
I guess I will just have to walk. But then again I can always walk along the ocean side.

- E

onsdag 15 april 2009


The nouveau Allura =)

Oh it feels great!
Love it!

A la Warhol.

Murals in Mish'

I've known about this mural alley for ages, but never actually walked through it.  Until now.
The other day, I was in the right place at the right time.  I decided to check it out.  
Here it is...  
Let's walk together in the Mural Alley.

I adore this.  Beautiful, isn't it.

I heart the simple color scheme of this mural.

This one is done by Mikey-Ike's friend - Brion Nuda Rosch.

Nicoise Salad?

Carefully rinsed butter lettuce

Boiled potatoes and green beans.
and Newman's Olive Oil and Vinegar.

Perfectly boiled delicious eggs - 
these eggs are to die for.
Pitted Olives.
Tuna, pan fried in olive oil.  And home-made capers.

The preparation...


 A hm... Yum-O!

I had this Japanese beer with my nicoise salad.  