tisdag 23 mars 2010


see cousins
eat juicy / succulent fruits
meet new people
see new places

i'll be back in about 6 weeks.

*i hope things are well with you, Miss E =)

Until then...

lördag 20 mars 2010

Bouncing Colorful Balls on the Street of San Francisco

I thought this was pretty wicked. I wish was there when they were making this Ad =///

*the making of the Ad, by Sony

tisdag 16 mars 2010

What's for Lunch...?

Lunch at Axis Cafe in the City.

Tomato Basil Soup
[crème fraiche · chervil · crostini]
perfect for cold weather =)

African Bush Tea ---
i want/need to drink more of this

Cod Fish Taco
[napa cabbage · salsa verde · guacamole · greens or house fries]
fresh and delish!

i would like a...

Sewing Machine!

Ever since I can remember, I've always liked to sew.
I like those colorful threads.
Sewing fabrics.

My dear Grandma (Dad's side) is a seamstress --- go figure.

torsdag 11 mars 2010

Tiny bottles filled with juice and the silence.

It is so silent in here.
Please give a little holler, a silent weep if you are still reading.

These days I have been spending drinking delicious nectar
out of tiny weeny bottles retrieved from a womens meet at the church.
Drinking while running from one meeting to another while writing
emails on the fly.

Hopefully my dream of becoming a real scientist is about to be fulfilled.
Surely with hard work but still..fulfilled.


fredag 5 mars 2010

Batalla ganada al trafico.

Freja is writing about Luzinterruptus who
have brought their very original street art from Madrid to NYC.
Eight hundred books, each with a light attached.
With the intention to replace traffic with literature".

I am in awe.

Love, E