"The Road is a 2006 novel by American writer Cormac McCarthy. It is a post-apocalyptic tale describing a journey taken by a father and his young son over a period of several months across a landscape blasted years before by an unnamed cataclysm that destroyed civilization and, seemingly, most life on earth."
Just finished reading this. This is very captivating. A page turner. Heartwarming. It made me teary eyed.
When you can... check it out.
McCarthy also wrote All The Pretty Horses, you maybe familiar with this. And the No Country for Old Men, which came out in the movies just recently.
I'm still reading that book by Jared Diamond (Gun, Steel & Germs). And starting Eckhart Tolle's book, A New Earth.
1 kommentar:
Sounds good.
I am currently reading the tale of the Mitford sisters(GB). That is when i am not working..blah :)
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