How is it possible that they, all six, became oh so different?
Walked such stranged paths?
It is quite fascinating.

Then I watched one of the best movies on Saturday.
It is called The Joyluck Club. Or maybe just Joyluck Club.
Very touching, it tells the story of three aunties and their young girls.
The stories are all entangled with the strict and strange culture of China.
And also to provide my soul with some food other than thought I listen to:
Joanna Newsom
Rainy summer days have never been easier to cope with!
- E
1 kommentar:
Joy Luck Club, ha.. This was part of our reading list back in HS =). Lol. Amy Tan is from the Bay Area (CA).
What's in your lunch bag? Lol.
I never really liked bringing my own food... I have a thing about cold 'food'.
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