tisdag 3 juni 2008


As I sat on the train today I saw a trailer.
Then I saw another trailer.
And another one.
A trailer park.
In my little Swedish town.
Call me naive but I thought this was quite shocking.
Not shocking like that old hippie living in a tent in the park but more like shocking in seeing a children's buggy parked outside a trailer in a trailer park that is certainly not white trash in anyway I can tell you.
There was no one there who was the least bit white.
Welcome to Sweden 2008.

This is where I live with my boi.

In a little apartment of 15 square meters.
It is small but it is also filled with love.
The only thing it is lacking is a dog named Santiago.

- E

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Sounds Lovely and very homey. Ecstatic for you guys. I hope Mr. Jon is doing well =))).