Today, just like every other day, my little brown bag was filled with lunch.I pride in telling you that I eat the same thing every day.
Little brownie, the beloved one.
A banana.
Muesli.I also always keep an ice-cold soy milk in the office fridge.
Sometimes I get company. For those times I have thought of intellectual subjects to discuss.
No one wants to end up with nothing to talk of at lunch when
great minds are present!
- E
2 kommentarer:
oftast under min lunchrast så sitter jag i parken och äter sallad med mina vänner från jobbet. om det är kallt går vi till någon restaurang och äter spaghetti kanske. nu vet du:)
hälsa din lilla råtta förresten. söt den var tycker jag.
Lol. Yummy! Mine would have... Banana also. A mini bran raisin. Small 2% milk. Chocolate. Before lunch, I'd stop by at a local coffee for my caffeine =). And bring tons of books.
I noticed that most people in the office... they don't really talk about intellectual books b/c they're too afraid to share anything about their real life, which is I think is total Bull and paranoia.
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