Once again, the Russians - back to history. I have been following this and I can only imagine of what you're feeling right now. My thoughts and prayers...
As for the Chinese...
I've been so hard with the Chinese and how they are with their ways, the hate was blinding me. Every country when they were starting to boom, they all went through some phase where China is at right now - some human rights issues, environment issues, etc... If in the future, they're still ignoring their responsibility, all hell will definitely break lose. All country has its own flaws, only now that China is in the center stage b/c countries like the USA feels threatened with their growing power. God only knows what will the Chinese become of once they're on top, let's all hope for the best. They have been brutal in the past but also they've beaten so many times b/c of their stance in politics (communism). I think like everyone else, they are just trying to survive esp with their growing population. If the Chinese gov't don't do anything on how its people will survive (self-sufficient), difficulties and problems will just keep on mounting.
My point is... I'm giving the Chinese a chance but that doesn't mean I'm refusing to acknowledge the fact that they are aiding Mugabe and the rebels in Sudan, the One-Child policy, and trampling Tibet's freedom, etc...
3 kommentarer:
I love the painting on the left in the first row! The birds leaving the head formation. Love it.
I think that you are also exceptionally smart my friend.
People here in Europe are quite scared about the situation in u.S with your current president but it always gives me comfort to know that I know at least one like-minded, educated and intellectual person.
I am proud to call you my friend.
(And what you wrote made me think.)
We are all glad his (Bush) term is ending =)) Yippie! Let's just hope one of the more sensible/responsible nominee wins (Obama)... *crossing finger* Nerve racking, really...
Thanks! Lol. Me you...
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