Every 4 years, I get giddy... I'm a huge fan of Summer Olympics. Of course, I cheer for the American Team. This years Olympic game is - as you know - held in Beijing China. We tried sending in our application to volunteer but as it turned out the Chinese decided to employ their own people - from the photos I've seen there are no foreigners. Anyway, I like to follow Michael Phelps - swimming team. Swimming competition is amazing to watch, I like to dream I can do those butterfly swimming style and what-not...
Initially, I was going to boycott the 2008 olympics (b/c of China's current stance in human rights, environment issues, etc...), but decided to watch some of it. The opening ceremony is tonight. Opening ceremony is always fun to watch, always extravagant.
Let's see how this goes...
1 kommentar:
Yeah. I just can not.
I will try and try believe that the summer olympics and the reponsibility would bring China to the edge of a new beginning.
Toward a more open and civilised way of politics.
Keep on eye on the young sportsters for me though won't you?
P.S Jon is super busy working on my dad's web page. But he is going to be ready soon and you can take a peak. He says hi and hugs :)
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