fredag 5 juni 2009

Some days luck just knocks on your door and asks you out to play.

As I made my way out the door this morning
I had no idea I was going to be royally surprised.

And with what?

A Penguin Books shoulder bag!!!!

I love Penguin Books and things that you can
order online such as pens, coffee mugs and all sorts.
But I can never afford them myself so you can guess
how bloody happy I was when I found this little
thing hanging off our garbage bins where someone
had left it last night.
Even the trash collector truck had missed it which I
took as a token for mine and the bags sealed future together.

I believe you and I were meant to be bag!

- E

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Yes! I am bag-lady =))) myself. I heart bags. People sometimes make fun of me b/c of that. Blah! Whatever. Anyway, I heart that bag!

I think that bag is meant to be yours *wink*
