onsdag 3 juni 2009

How to: Celebrity Head.

Celebrity Head is a relatively easy and an extremely fun
game to be played in good company while sipping away
a couple of cold ones.

Here is what you do:

- write the name of a celebrity on a piece of paper or tape
and then fasten it on the forehead of the person sitting
to your right

- everyone then takes turns in asking yes or no questions
about the character that they might be
( am I male / female, am i in the music business etc. )

- the first one who guesses then wins!

In Swedish we call it 'galenpanna' which kind of refers to a crazy head.
I actually had to ask how to play this game from a Swedish blogger
but little did I know that most of my friends here already new the game!

Such a small, funny world we live in.

- E

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Oh tell me about it. I can relate to this in terms of food - whenever I eat something it reminds me of something like it in other different cuisine I've had. There's something in our culture that's somewhat alike the others. It is a small world, indeed!

Will be back w/ something...

W/ lots of hearts,