onsdag 5 augusti 2009

Bad Cravings

Last night la Luna was Full. And it was beautiful.

As you know weird things tend to happen during a Full Moon.
At 11ish in the evening, we dashed off to Safeway (market) and bought Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls and Oreo Cookies (i was the only one craving for these).
Did you know that they don't sell small packages of Oreo Cookies - except for those small bites ones? What a cheat! Then again the demographic who would only eat 3-4 pieces of Oreo cookies is very small.

Cinnamon Rolls Pillsbury

When you're used to eating "healthy foods", craving for these sort of things can disturb you for a long time.
Like right now, I still haven't opened my Oreo's because... well I feel guilty digesting those unnatural / non-organic ingredients.

These Oreo Cookies are just awful - lol.
Good thing you can't distinguish what the cookies consists of (below).

Caution: if you have cravings for such junk foods try not to look at the ingredients when buying it because your tummy will churn in disgust. You'll feel bad, period.

But hey... it won't make a lot of damage if you only allow yourself to eat small quantity for 1 day in a year, right....

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Ahahahaha :)
I thought this post was hilarious!
So good with you and your crazy cravings.
And it reminded me of how we used to out at midnight in HI just to do our weekly shopping and then buy some extra like currants or chocolate or something.
I loved that!
And now here everything closes at 5.30 pm on weeknights.
That is truly the biggest load of crap.

P.S Enjoy the Oreos if that is what you crave I say.

Anonym sa...

Thank you =). I still haven't opened the Oreos, maybe tonight with a tall glass of milk =)

Yeah... memories =)))))))) Good times!

Huge Hearts,

Anonym sa...

Oh yeah just open them sister!