"How much do you love me", Midori asked.
"Enough to melt all the tigers in the world to butter", I said.
"What do you mean (I am) really cute?"
"So cute mountains crumble and oceans dry up."

I mean this book is really special.
And remember how we went to see him in HI?
When he said that the thing he most enjoys
is having a beer in the evenings?
I remember.
- E
1 kommentar:
Ahhhh.... I've been wanting to read this alsoOoo! There's a movie coming out by one of our favorite director, Tran Hung (Scent of the Green Papaya and Vertical Ray of the Sun). Anyway, he is going to direct this one and I want to read it before it comes out.
Awww... of course I remember. I tell Mikey-Ike about all the time, like everyday =). Almost to the point of irritation - lol! I make him read his novels and short stories, like the one that H. Murakami read out loud in HU Manoa. Anyway... cool! I'm definitely going to our bookstore and get this!
Thanks a lot!
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