söndag 7 september 2008

On my travel.

I have managed to break my camera.
But I have friends.
I am happy. Happiest.
Mycket lycklig.

- Elena

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Who are those guys!?

Wahhh... so sorry, been so freakin busy with this moving-thing! Argh... seriously, we've been doing this for almost 2 weeks now. Anyway, almost done... I've got some interesting things to show (i hope)

Stay out of trouble and take it easy!


Anonym sa...

Stay out of trouble.
not quite so possible with these crews that we keep travelling with.
These particular ones are one of my best friends from finland actually.
Been travelling with them for years!

Take it easy now with the moving and all will be ok!

