should be ALL about food. Whatever food you are having,
where you are having it, who you are having it with and where
did you find inspiration to do that.
This I decided while eating my second dinner of muesli and yogurt
while cruising the web visiting some of the most delightful foodie blogs out there. I need more. My body needs more.
So I am treating this pretty much like a little exercise to moi as well.
I'm thinking something in the lines 'bout you care a little?
Or does that not make sense?
What I mean is that in these times of obvious stress and
overworking of ourselves we need to have some good times.
Some food times.
And by the end of this Dibadaba week I want everyone,
exactly everyone, to think out loud 'Oh boy was that a feast!'.

1 kommentar:
Alright, I am down!
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