fond of so in order to stay calm and in my senses I thought it might
be a good idea to hang onto my good summer vibrations that I oh
so carefully collected in Finland. Here we go.
1. boating
Here is my dad with the boat. He is simply the best. And always
up for a little bit of boat action.
As an honorary summer guest I get to wear the captain's hat. Or
the red Cousteau beanie that is. But it is also a little hommage to
my old professor Erik Hallberg who is a very inspiring man who
qould never ever step on a boat without wearing one of these.
And yeah we all know that it worked for Jacques too.
My mum and dad, they are just the best.
Finnish summer scenery..
..what's not to love. So pretty it breaks my little heart.
Here I have taken a photo of a teensy incident where my dad sort
of wanted to show me these new cruise ships but instead almost
ended up being driven over by one. Not quite what we were looking
for but hey all was still good and the sun was shining.
After about two hours out at sea we finally boarded on the jetty
and was happily greeted by the sauna at the sea. Hey hey sailor.
Followed by a weeny climb up to the humble abode that is my
family's casa around the year and mine during the summers.
Pretty don't you think?
After the boat ride the captain looked a tad shattered but nothing
that a glass of wine could not fix. And anyway that is simply what
one gets from hanging at the very nose of the boat, leaning over
into the wind and enjoying like a true blue boat hound.
1 kommentar:
Your family is lovely =))).
I'm glad you had a wonderful time with them in Finland =).
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