onsdag 16 juni 2010


I have become obsessed with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Indeed so obsessed that one day I just had to Google them and
here are some of the fun facts I found on our lovely friend,
the all too soft and yet saucy PB&J:

* A 2002 survey showed the average American will have eaten 1,500 of these sandwiches before graduating from high school.

* Sometimes people put two layers of peanut butter.

* Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of getting peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth.

* November is Peanut Butter Lovers Month.

* Women and children prefer creamy, while most men opt for chunky.

* Peanut butter was the secret behind "Mr. Ed," TV's talking horse.

* The peanut is not a nut, but a legume related to beans and lentils.

* 96% of people, when making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, put the peanut butter on before the jelly

* Two peanut farmers have been elected president of the United States: Thomas Jefferson and Jimmy Carter.

And this is how I make mine:

First I toast some gluten-free organic bread, followed by a thick layer of almond butter which I truly love very crunchy and salty then finally I smear on some organic raspberry jam. Yum yum yum.

I would also like to dedicate my love to this sandwich because she normally saves all my oh so gruesome days at a job that sometimes seizes to inspire me. Thanks PB&J!


2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

hihi Ihania faktoja sun herkutteluleiivstä!:D Kuhan et liikaa syö :D Hahah yök, mäki oon vaa herkutellu: karkkia ja pizzaa, oksettavaaa! Epuli mulla iso salaisuus sinulle "Only for you" :)mutta en tiiä uskallanko kertoo hahah!
Mulla blogi-päivityksiä kans, meepä kattoo!
PUSSS O KRAM ti världens bästa syrra <3

Anonym sa...

i <3 PB&j =)))).

I'm not so persnickety when it comes to my peanut butter, i can go either creamy or crunchy =).

