onsdag 7 januari 2009

Bob's tail.

I do not know what it is
but there definetly is something
about me and this country.
Or me myself in this country.

Take today for instance.

I have been surfing for two
whole hours and decide that
I deserve a nap.
So I start napping away.

Suddenly I wake up to
the fact that I think I am
hearing someone
walking in the house.

Mind you this should
not be possible as I
have closed all the
doors except for the one
leading out to the garden.

So I calmly make my way
to the toilet to you know
do my thing.

When I return from my adventures
to take my place on our newly
bought sweet couch
I am only to notice
this stinking frieckin'
creature of a lizard
staring at me on the floor.

(I swear it was the size of my arm.)

And the only thing I can think of
is thank goodness I am a biologist
before I start screaming my lungs out.

I call good ol' Johno and the phone call
kind of goes like this:

what the -piip- is that -piip- -piip- -piip- aaarggh -piip-

And then he says:

settle down baby it is just a bobtail

I hang up and decide that
that thing can't stay.

So after thirty minutes the
lizard decides outdoors is better
than indoors with a super
stressed lady and her broom,
and leaves.

But I am still left with
a disgustingly large
pile of lizard shit on the floor.

And that is when I think that
this is it. There must be something
about me and this country.
Or me in this country.

- E

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

What could that be...?

Earlier... I woke up screaming or something like it... and sweating, like I've been running for hours.


Anonym sa...

Sorry... I'll put up something soon... Been ill =///