onsdag 13 maj 2009

Sometimes there is nothing better than listening to silence.

I am back now and more tired than before I left.
Do not get me wrong though my trip was wonderful
it was just the getting home bit that made it all a bit..

I am now lying in my sweet bed just listening to the
tomatoes growing in the garden.

What a heavenly noise they make.

- E

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Yay you're back!

*singing* Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back =)))


Anyway, I'm still finishing my never ending Finals - lol. Oh what a life- my life!

Did you take any photos? Awww.. Nina. I'm sure she's having a grand time in sunny Bali (so I'm not gon ask how she is =). Is she residing there for good?

So tired. Will cont. tom =).


Anonym sa...

Oh gaad.
Finals hey?
I think im gona enroll
on this Masters Degree
in Geographical Information
Systems so I can do everything
So new age.

And that would mean that soon
i would be back in my studies
as well.

Yeah Nina is living on a tiny
island, working her butt off for
a diving centre.
And she has a boi there so i think
she might stay :)

Anyway will post some photos soonish!


Anonym sa...

Yay for Nina!!! Good on her!

Online classes eh... High-tech!

Can't wait to see the photos =)))
