Luckily the weekend brought on some times that we will
not forget anytime soon. Like Jack Johnson. Live!
Everyone was looking so fabulous through my white wine
coloured eyes and the music sounded fabulous in my tired ears.
And yeah it was raining but see here, Elin barely noticed.
Although some of us were feeling a little we for wear..
..I was feeling great! So full of loving in my little heart. Yey.
We were whispering secrets to each other and I don't think
there is anything better than sitting next to your friend, leaning
over and whispering something in their ear, only to hear a giggle.
And Jack was BEAUTIFUL. So good. He donated all his ticket
profits to charity and that made our hearts beat even faster.
The day after we had some eggs on toast from the barbecue
in beach to help with the bit of wine still floating in our bellies.
1 kommentar:
lucky you guys! i heart Jack Johnson!
hahahah... remember Jack Johnson's KoKua Festival at Waikiki Shell in HI., we didn't have ticket so we listened outside of the venue =). lol!
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