torsdag 22 april 2010

Saturday sounds.

Most of my Saturdays I spend exactly the same way.
Followed by the same sounds.

The sound of my boyfriend still asleep in the bed as I close
the door and head into my small car.
The sound of the car warming up in the morning.

The sound of a happy friend and a good morning from my
vegetable lady at the market.
The sound of fruit that are being tossed and turned to find the
best ones amongst the others.

The sound my basket makes when it becomes too full with things
that I would love to have on my plate.
The sound of my belly grumbling with hunger and delight.

The sound of afternoon snacks crunching happily in my mouth.

The sound of the busy coffee shop.
Glasses, mugs, machines and people.
The odd newspaper page turning.

The sound of joy inside me when a Saturday
has started like this.
The sound of my stomach full before I curl back into bed.

The final sound of opening a book.


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