söndag 2 november 2008


I don't see this everyday... Especially when Shopping!

I saw this when we went to the Anthropologie store in Downtown. When I saw it, I could not believe it! It was something very unordinary to be seen in a clothing store.

The round glass container does not have an opening. I was wondering how the red shrimp can survive in there. (I'm sure you would know)

I didn't get it. I should've! Didn't have a price tag.

(close-up of the detail)

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

I guess the little organism is very happy with the red algae and no oxygen haha :)
How strange.
To have it in a clothing store..
And not sure about the art part but hey anything that makes people think about the environment on more time is good right?

- E

Anonym sa...

I suppose... Lol!

I couldn't get my head around it...
