tisdag 21 oktober 2008


Just US girls chillin'
The Burp-day Lady-Love
L-R : Dawn, Faye & Marthesia
Naughty naughty Ladies
Out of the City into the countryside. Stopping by for some 'burger' at In-n-Out >>> Yum... Perfect!

2 kommentarer:

Lovelies sa...

Is that Veuve Cliquot you are drinking from THE BOTTLE?
You cheeky girls,
it's my favourite champagne!

Love to see you back :)

Anonym sa...

Sorry... I am swamped at the moment. Got a paper due, preparing for two - one minor, one major - presentation next week - eeecck... I am freakin out...

Pls pls pls... bear with me at the moment...
