torsdag 16 oktober 2008

Love leaves.

Apart from working my little
bum bum off
I have been exploring
my surroundings.

Today it rains
so I will only

And drink tea.

- E

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Hm... maple leaves. I can't wait for my Dad's maple tree to grow. You know what I would love... Willow tree in our backyard - lol. I heart willow tree...


Lovelies sa...

What have you been up to lately my deario?


Anonym sa...

Ma cherie...

I'm going away for the weekend. Will b back late on Sunday.

I will for sure document everything. You have a great weekend.

I've been just all over the place. I'm almost to the finish line and its getting harder every minute. I guess that's just how it is...