tisdag 28 oktober 2008

Happy Diwali!

One of these days, I would like to go to India and attend the Festival of Lights - Happy Diwali!

OMG! I can just imagine the lights and the vivid colours of India.

Oh Wow...

2 kommentarer:

Lovelies sa...

Give me some Diwali too :)
And I am also moving to AUS soon.
Will you come?
Or to Indo maybe?
Meet Nina on an island babes?

What happened with your auntie btw?
You peeps were so close yeah?

I guess that is what happens in life at times but if you can..try and prevent it.
There is no hole as big as a hole left by someone you love.

And I can't believe that happy little go-getter in the photo is you mi dear.
So cute :)


Anonym sa...

I'm not on any of those photos =). Even the little girl who's slumping.

AUS huh... I don't about moving to AUS. I'll for sure visit.. but not sure about living there. Yeah, mi parentals and mi aunties are close. Sometime soon, they'll be visiting AUS.

Indo ha... We're planning on going there. One of our destinations =)
